Friday, March 26, 2010

Back in the habit

It has taken a little while this year, but I am slowly getting back into making art. I've started my honours degree, so I am trying to focus on my theory and dissertation, but making art is definitely helping me get through.

In terms of my ceramic forms, I am trying to focus more on the individual groupings, and forming visual readings of these and their relationships - through the titles, colour and placement. I will be making more subtle greys and whites, as I think this is more familiar and inviting. I am also looking more conceptually at repetiton as catharsis, rather than the piercing as pain element. I am exploring repetition in my current 2D painted/drawn works as well, using repeated dots in organic circles, in contrast to spray painted areas.

Photos to come sometime soon hopefully.

Also, I've got an art fan page on Facebook now, which might be an easier way to keep up with how my art is progressing. I'll definitely keep this blog going as well though.